Embroidery Thread Color Schemes For Every Needlework Project

to the generator

Thread Palette For DMC 746

Off White

Thread Details & Alternatives

On Screen

HEX: #f5ebcf
RGB: 245,235,207
CMYK: 0,4,16,4

DMC 746

Type: 6 Strand Floss

Brand: DMC

Line: art.117

DMC 7905

Type: Tapestry Wool

Brand: DMC

Line: art.486

ANCHOR 00275

Type: Stranded Cotton

Brand: Anchor

Line: art.4635000


Type: Embroidery Flosss

Brand: Lecien

Line: art.25

From The Shop
The Winter Wonders Palette Booklet

Color Schemes

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2 of these colors are a different shade of the base color. The other 2 are a weighted opposite of the base color.

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These colors are all equally distanced from each other on a color wheel, 2 of which have an alternate shade.

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Weighted Triad

These colors are all similarly distanced from each other on a color wheel, 2 of which have an alternate shade. These colors are all slightly closer to the base color than in a normal triad.

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These colors use mathematical offsets that usually complement each other well, and can highlight the base color.

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3 of these colors are all equally distanced from each other on a color wheel, plus 1 alternated shade for the base color and the 1 color that is opposite of the base color.

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Weighted Tetrad

3 of these colors are all similarly distanced from each other on a color wheel, the base color has an alternate shade, and there is a weighted opposite color. These colors are all slightly closer to the base color than in a normal tetrad.

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This tool will help you create beautiful and cohesive color schemes with your threads for any embroidery or needlework project.