Thank You!
I’m pretty darn grateful that so many of you have reached out to me either via email or social media to simply thank me for the work I do. Your words are truly appreciated, and I wanted to use this page to display some of the wonderful messages I was fortunate to receive.
Thanks to each and every one of you for your support & appreciation and for following along!
Thank you for being such an inspiration! I love to use colors and even though I'm pretty confident in using them your stitch palettes have broadened my view. It has been so much fun to think about ways to incorporate other stitch palettes than I'm normally using and it has definitely improved my work. Thank you 🙂
Anne M.,
I absolutely love this website! I am so inspired looking at your color palettes here and on social media and often pause to imagine how I might use one color combination or another in my stitching. The Palette Generator here is a phenomenal tool - more than once I have come here to put in a particular DMC number to get so many options and directions to go with my design work. I am so glad this website exists! Thank you for all your work in providing this wonderful resource!
Arlene C., United States
Firstly, it is a pleasure to receive new stitch palettes at the start of every week. They inspire and balance me for the week to come. Seeing these palette combinations helps me think laterally even in my study (I am doing a psychology degree). This site helps me coordinate not just threads, but also fabric backgrounds. I also utilise inspiration from the palettes in my paper quilling painting. Thank you for your hard work and generosity in putting this content together every week.
Zoe B.
First, I'd like to say thank you for the unbelievable site you have, and all the wealth of information on it. I stumbled upon it and immediately knew it was the "answer" to my color problems. I have purchased all four of your catalogs and will make immediate use of them. I can always envision the colors I want to combine, but never had a way to figure out what threads make those color combinations. Thank you for your site and your products.
Tamara B.
Ever since I have discovered your Stitch Palettes, I feel much more confident when choosing thread colours for my various embroideries. I have always had difficulty especially with greens and yellows, and in the past have come home with shades of these colours that just don't work when I try them on the piece. With the Palettes, groups of colours that work together make it much easier to choose the shades that I need. Thank you again.
Judy O., Australia
I love Stitch Palettes just for the beauty alone and sometimes I just scroll through them for the pleasure of seeing all the wonderful combinations. As a stitcher, your site has helped me pick out color combinations for several projects. If I am planning to use a colored fabric, I can easily find thread colors that will look great with it. I've also used it for help with picking out home decor and paint colors. I always recommend your site to everyone!
Beth G., United States
I'm so pleased that a friend introduced me to your website. What an inspiration it's proved to be. I'm learning to look at colour in a different way and have more confidence to work with combinations that I would probably not have considered before. It's having an impact on the way I choose and use colours in embroidery and it's also improving my colour blending skills when preparing fibre for spinning. It's a great resource and one that I'll keep coming back to.
Krys P., United Kingdom
I have been using to develop my embroidery designs. I am an amateur machine embroiderer. I have tried to transpose DMC colors to Isacord but often in my haste to get sewing I gestimate my thread choices. The results have increased my enjoyment and also the palettes provide an inspiration to keep stitching. I enjoy the emailed palettes and the process of trying to reproduce the palettes. I am sure there are charts to give me the exact equivalents but I am happy with the inspiration to explore. Stitch Palettes is wonderful companion.
Kathleen F., United States
Seriously, you’re doing an awesome and super helpful thing, I so appreciate it!
Sometimes for me picking out a color palette can get almost overwhelming when there are so many colors to choose from, but you’ve made such an incredible resource here. The colors are so satisfying and pretty and extremely useful!
You’ve already inspired me try out some colors I didn’t consider combining before, and I really appreciate it.
Momo .
I love that I can imagine scenes to embroider or draw and then come to this site and find the exact color combinations to make my work pop. I wish you had a print book. I have downloaded the samplers but I would prefer to reference a real book, instead of relying on the computer. Also, I think the printed colors in the book would be clearer and more vibrant. Thanks so much. Jenny.
Jennifer F., United States
I am so happy that I discovered Stitch Palettes on Instagram. I use the palettes as a reference tool not only in my embroidery, but in my quilting projects as well. For my embroidery projects I so appreciate that the number of the DMC floss is included on the palette. It makes creating so much easier. For my quilting projects the palettes provide color inspiration when choosing fabrics to include in my quilt.
Leesa H., United States
It is wonderful to find a site which identifies the colors in a picture and shows the stitchers how to choose different colors to choose from. It is better than the eye at seeing all the colors in a picture. Also by tagging the palette generator to DMC, it helps us who use different threads, to find a comparable color in another thread category. Thank you for doing this. I am sure it will improve my color choices.
MaryFrances K., United States
I find Stitch Palettes to be a unique resource. Beautifully presented and inspiring. The palette examples offer immediate colour choice solutions but also the challenge of working with colour combinations maybe not previously considered. Definitely an additional tool of huge benefit to any crafter not just stitchers. Thank you for all your hard work - and sharing your amazing skill.
Ann S., United Kingdom
I take a lot of pleasure and inspiration from your beautiful website. The images themselves are always pleasing to look at. They often make me dream of possibilities anew. I’m not very good with matching and mixing colours in general, so, I’m very appreciative to have someone like you suggesting palettes with the DMC threads available. Thank you!
Christiane R., United Kingdom
I have always struggled with colour matching for my embroidery, since my school days when the art teacher didn't approve of my colour choices and asked me to leave her class and not return, this has always caused me to doubt myself, but thanks to the Stitch Palettes, I'm now finding it so much easier to choose the appropriate colours for my projects. Thank you.
Emily P.
This really takes the guess work out of choosing colours that compliment each other. Instead of spending hours in the store trying to work out what threads went with what I was able to look through loads of beautiful photos for inspiration and get the colour codes from there, saved loads of time and made the prep and the actual embroidery a pleasure.
Katherine G., South Africa
I just saw your information on your palette generator in the Guild Gleanings for CEGG (Guelph Emb Guild). How fabulous is that! Wow! I will definitely bookmark your page and be back to it often I’m sure. I’m going to have a look around now to see what you have. Thank you sew much!
Mary-Anne G.
Thank you for this great site. I am fascinated with colour and how it changes in different lights. I love analysing nature ,photos, pictures etc as to what colours are used. I cannot embroider fast enough to put my ideas into designs. Thank you again as the way you have worked is inspirational.
Heather L.
I want to thank you for your very thorough and helpful Stitch Palettes and associated photos. I design embroidery and am often asked to work with colours outside my comfort zone. Your work makes my life a lot easier. Thank you for all your hard work.
Elizabeth A.
OMG -- I am going to tell every quilter friend I have about this website. There are so many quilters who have a really hard time picking fabrics that will work together. I can see this being very beneficial for folks that struggle with this issue.
Lani S.
I don't know how you do what you do, but PLEASE don't stop. I am so worried that some day I will wake up and the palettes are gone. Just know that I enjoy them tremendously. Thank you for this amazing gift you offer (free for all!!). I personally appreciate each and every one.
Denise ., United States
When working on a blackwork project, I used Stitch Palettes to select just the right colors. I am now interested in learning about needle painting and creating a replica of a stunning photo and will be my first stop!!! Thank you for a great site!
Anette K., United States
So happy stitch palettes found me! I am a quilter and improvisation stitcher. I love to embellish on my art quilts. Stitch Palettes has opened up more creativity and added excitement to my projects. Thank you for such a wonderful addition to my creativity. Balanced colors are the way to go!
Valerie J., United States
I’m a colour junkie and Stitch Palettes is inspirational! I use it for all types of needlework as well as for coloured pencil palettes. Always a great jumping off point. And the Palette Generator is brilliant! I can always come here to get lost in the eye candy.
Lynda ., Canada
I love the Stitch Palettes. Not only did you find the palettes I needed for a couple of my own pieces of work, but I have used your palettes to think about colours in a different way. It's encouraged me to be more adventurous in choosing colours for my work. Thank you.
Maggie H., New Zealand
I love Stitch Palettes. I always check the latest palettes because I enjoy looking at the pictures and how she has pulled the colors and matched them to DMC threads. I use them for everything I do. Embroidering, quilting, needlepoint, they are so helpful in pulling together the perfect palette. Thank you so much for doing this for the artist community!
Susan C., United States
Your stitch palettes are amazing. I purchased several of your books and they are all filled with beautiful color combinations. I use them so much. Unique color combinations that work so well. Lots of inspiration. Looking forward to the winter palette! Thank you so much.
Peggy H., Netherlands
One of the first pictures that really brought me to Stitch Palettes was in June this year of a beautiful greyish/silver cat. I am not a cat person but the picture was beautiful. I was so amazed that you had chosen the perfect thread palette to accompany the picture. I have followed you since and have loved each day's palette. I just want to stitch something using each one. In the past couple months, I have been learning to "thread paint", but because we have been in various stages of Covid-19 lockdown since March I have been using the threads I have on hand. I don't always have all the colors that I need. I went through the list of threads I still needed to complete the course's projects and using your website, I was able to find the closest shades to the ones from on my list that I was missing. I found an acceptable substitute for each shade. Because of Stitch Palettes, I am able to complete the projects, I'm not frustrated and stressed because of the missing threads and I was able to save hundreds of Rands by using what threads I have. Thank you so much for your wonderful work and for sharing it with us.
Candy L., South Africa
I have found some cross stitch patterns that I like but I wasn't so crazy about the colors used. I am not good at knowing what colors work together, especially when looking at a pattern!
This page is a great resource for finding color combinations that work together and the added benefit of having the DMC floss #' s provided is so helpful too, I just write down the ones I want so I can order them!
This has helped me so much! Also some of the photos are just beautiful!
Kim B.
Such a good idea! Pleasing color combinations make my mouth water before I even have time for my brain to register the fact. Your posts have that effect on me. I won't even go into how hungry a good quilt show makes me. Not good since I am a celiac SSI most fast food is off limits.
Cathy L.
I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for your website and for all the information you share. You are incredibly talented and your sense of color is phenomenal. I have shared your site with all of my friends and stitching groups. I wish you every success and am thrilled to use your color schemes.
Pat C.
I LOVE Stitch Palettes and recommend you to everyone I know who works with floss, everyone who needs inspiration and colors... Everyone who'll listen, really. It's such an invaluable resource when I need ideas for color. Thank you so much for your hard work
Aspen L., United States
I love the palette generator. Helps me ensure I haven't made any glaring errors matching colors for projects! I also love the organization and structure of your website. It's very easy to find exactly what I need. You make it so easy! Thank you!
Denise Z., United States
I love this site! Not only does it give you complementary colours but actually shows how these colours go together. As a beginner in discovering what colours go with what, the pictures show the colours in action. An invaluable tool!
Irene K., Canada
It isn't so much that it has improved my embroidery but helped in the more basic art of choosing just the right threads for the project in hand. Even for an experienced embroiderer this is not always easy!
Elizabeth A., United Kingdom
I’m so glad to have your palettes to guide my choices in substituting threads in designs I love but colors given not so much. I’m not a designer so having access to these photos is invaluable to me. I have more confidence and now feel I can make great color choices.
Jayne S., United States
I really like the color palette system because I am not really good at picking out colors. Now all I have to do is go to Stitch Palettes . Then see my Choose of the different color palettes that I can use in my project . It really helps a lot.
Jacqueline H., United States
Sometimes a resource comes along that is truly priceless. Stitch Palettes is one of those for anyone who needs color inspiration or just wants to immerse themselves in the beauty of the images. Thank you for your making the world a brighter place.
Love Stitch Palettes! Always gives beautiful results with their coordinated palettes. Whatever colour mood I'm in there's always a solution to be found in their massive catalogue. Highly recommended.
Paula M., United Kingdom
Stitch Palettes is a phenomenal site, providing gorgeous color combinations which greatly help me in a variety of artistic pursuits, from embroidery to cross stitch to miniature painting. I have a hard time picking colors and this site solves that problem wonderfully.
Shana N., United States
It's wonderful to be able to look at different colour combinations that I would not necessary have thought of using in my embroidery. Stitch Palettes has made it easier to achieve this especially when I'm stuck for ideas. Thanks!!!
Teresa W., Australia
Stitch Palettes helps me choose colour combinations for my embroideries. It's also a good way to develop my skills in using colours I am less comfortable with or like less. A hint of a particular colour can make a design pop!
Ann M., Canada
It is s to exciting and inspirational to receive new stitch palettes at the start of every week. Seeing these palette combinations helps me coordinate thread and fabric combinations. I use inspiration from the palettes for my cross stitch and sewing projects. Thank you.
Bonnie M., Canada
I enjoy all styles of embroidery but particularly silk shading/ thread painting. For a long time I have wanted to transfer some of my European photos to embroidery. These pallets are invaluable in color matching the photos. Thank you.
Jane S., Australia
The site is more than I imagined possible for distance learning. Such an eye opener to putting together colors of threads for a certain color palette and project. Great help to me in hunting colors and color numbers for ordering.
Marcia A., United States
Love your weekly Stitch Palettes. I not only use them for embroidery but weaving as well. I love browsing the colours just for the inspiration and the push it gives me to work with different palettes. Thank you
Sue S., Canada
Krisztina’s website has helped me enormously in learning to apply color theory to embroidery planning and thread selection. It’s a different process than painting and Krisztina leads us down the right path.
Sharon K., United States
Love the stitch palettes and have been collecting them. They are great for choosing colors for your own designs and to change colors of other designs to go with your own decor.
Beth P., United States
This site is brilliant. I can't imagine how much work went into putting this together but I've used the generator and several palettes to help me make color choices.
Marlene C., United States
I love the palette suggestions! I've used them several times as a jumping off point for my crazy quilting projects. I get stuck in a rut color-wise and it's nice to get inspiration from your site. Thank you!
Mary Anne R., Canada
I love using Stitch Palettes website and emails. The palette generator saves so much time and concern over color schemes. I am now further along in designing my own patterns.
Amy H., United States
I wish to thank you for your Stitch Palettes and associated photos. I like to change colors for cross stitch patterns and your thorough palettes has made my life easier to create my own color choices.
Brenda B., Canada
I use this site for inspiration when I’m starting a new embroidery project. It’s an easy to use website that has plenty of inspiration and accurate color swatches.
Emily ., United States
I struggled to match color in my embroidery works, especially when designing it myself. Your website had made my work so much easier and enjoyable!
Flavia B., United Kingdom
The colour palettes on this website are all stunning, and they really help to give black work or sampler cross stitch designs that individual, but classy edge.
Hannah .
The palettes help in choosing colours for stitching my designs or help in confirming my choices. Just Love looking at your palettes for inspiration. Lusciously gorgeous.
Heather L., New Zealand
There are so many different colour threads available that it is difficult to decide which to choose. Stitch Palettes takes all the guessing out of it and ensures a harmonious choice.
Susan P., United Kingdom
As someone who does blackwork, crochet and knitting this is an invaluable site! I get so much inspiration from the palettes. Thank you for all the loveliness
Karen S., United States
I'm so happy I found this website! I am a designer and the hardest part of designing for me is colour selection. Stitch Palettes makes colour selection quick and easy for me. It's a wonderful resource.
Joan D., Canada
A very informative platform and there’s none other like it to assist needleworkers in choosing colors by name and number and brand. Marvelous idea and gift to us all.
Marcia A., United States
This is the best idea I have seen. I love to stitch but I cannot combine colors well. Thank you so much. Also the photographs are beautiful.
Ann A.
I'm amazed by all the great work you have done here. This is the first set of palettes I've seen that uses the DMC colour numbers.
Alice B., Canada
Grateful with all the information provided by the page, being a beginner in hand embroidery has helped me a lot to apply the colors in my projects 🙂
Andrea T., Ecuador
I Love Love Love the colour combinations in stitch palettes. A fantastic resource to get inspiration and ideas! Thank you!
Brenda S., Canada
I enjoy looking at the palettes for unusual color combinations that I wouldn't ever think of putting together.
Carol S., United States
As I am french speaking, my message won't be long: I find Stitch Palettes absolutely fantastic. It's a brilliant idea and very helpful! Thanks to you. Diane
Diane M., Canada
Thank you so much for these beautiful and helpful palettes! I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from your site and I really appreciate it!
Heather M., United States
I absolutely love the colour palettes available. I find myself coming to check for new colour palette ideas weekly. Thank you!
Jacqueline H., Canada
This site is AMAZING! I love just coming to see what new palettes have been created and they are so useful for my designing! Much love and a huge thanks!
Jemma J., United Kingdom
Whenever I need colour inspiration for an embroidery project, I come here. Stitch Palettes is amazing for it.
Jess O., Canada
Stitch Palettes has assisted me in finding the hidden colors I was missing that are giving my weavings and embroidery more depth. Thank you, Joy
Joy M., United States
I love this website. I am getting into colors, what colors go together and what colors don't. The color combinations are beautiful.
Mary S., United States
I have enjoyed using the site when I need to figure out what colors would work for me. Have used it several times. Thank you.
Pamela R., United States
As someone who has trouble picking colors due to color blindness issues Stitch Palettes sets me up with great colors every time without fail.
Q M., United States
I love the way photos are analyzed and colors chosen. It is so helpful when planning a project and selecting just the right color threads.
Linda R., United States
Sometimes when we are being creative, we have those blank moments and this is a great help to coordinate colors!
Jennifer M.
I love cross stitch and I love your web site. So glad I found you.
Andrea B., United States
I have found your website wonderful especially the interactive ability to play with color palettes.
Anne T., United States
The color palates are AMAZING and a wonderful inspiration for x-stitch projects!
Cheryl H., United States
A friend introduced me to your stitch palettes and I love them. So inspiring!
Sue C., United States
I love you pallets it makes choosing colors for my needle embroidery so much easier.
Nina B., United States
Finding your palettes has been one of the best things for my products!!
Allison R.
Thank you for doing these. You seem to always hit those missing colors my brain can’t seem to see!!
Kathie G.
Megan M.Such a fantastic idea and so very inspirational. Thank you for your hard work.
Color combinations are exquisite! And with the DMC number identified makes it so convenient!
Rinda M.